Autocrypt’s brand new white paper introduces software-defined vehicles and the opportunities and risks manufacturers and suppliers may face in this new era of connectivity.
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Webinar: Creating a Secure, Connected Future for Vehicles, Infrastructure and Pedestrians
Listen to C-ITS professionals explain the frontend and backend mechanisms of V2X communication and how its implementation will enable cooperative autonomous driving and eliminate road accidents.
White Paper: Mobility & Accessibility (2nd Edition)
This white paper explores what it means to be living with reduced mobility within a mobility-centric smart city, and how connected transportation tech can remedy issues using fleet management platforms.
Webinar: Making Transportation Accessible and Inclusive
Listen in on an in-depth discussion of the rapidly changing landscape of transportation and mobility, and how accessibility and inclusivity planning for urban mobility can make all the difference in smart cities.
eBook: Exploring the Seven Layers of the Mobility Ecosystem
This eBook breaks down the mobility ecosystem into seven distinct layers, then closely examines the current trends and future prospects of each layer.
Webinar: Enhancing the EV Experience with Plug&Charge
Join us for a special webinar, hosted by AUTOCRYPT and Electric Autonomy with experts from AUTOCRYPT, Porsche Canada, BC Hydro, and Siemens.