Smart Cities:
Making Transportation Accessible & Inclusive

Webinar Topic

As transportation services are rapidly evolving, conscientious planning is required to ensure inclusivity for people with limited mobility or mobility challenges. 

In this webinar, AUTOCRYPT will share about the success of an accessible ride-share pilot for expectant and new mothers and explore how connected, intelligent and inclusive transportation can benefit these communities along with other panelists. 


panelist headshot

Jaeson Yoo, Chief Strategy Officer, Autocrypt Co.

Andrew Gregory, Manager, Transit Planning, City of Edmonton

Igor Samardzic, S+G Urban Partners and former Chair of Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit, Toronto Transit Commission

Joel Dembe, Paralympian, public speaker and advocate for accessibility and inclusion

Emma Jarratt, Managing Editor, Electric Autonomy Canada (Moderator)


Tuesday June 21st, 2022 01:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)