High-Precision V2X Positioning: Why Centimeter-Level Accuracy Matters

In the rapidly advancing field of automotive technology, Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication is becoming a cornerstone for future transportation systems. A fundamental element in V2X is positioning, which involves recognizing a vehicle’s absolute and relative positions concerning other surrounding objects. This article delves into why achieving high-precision positioning is crucial in V2X communication, the technologies enabling centimeter-level accuracy, some applications that benefit from such precision, and technology development considerations.

Importance of Achieving High-Precision Positioning in V2X Communication

The value proposition of V2X technology lies in road safety and road-traffic optimization. And while the technology has come a long way there is still some room for growth. To maximize the benefits of V2X the technology must achieve high-precision positioning.

One of the most proposed use cases of V2X, autonomous driving, requires a very high level of positioning accuracy because even minor errors can lead to fatal accidents. The goal of the industry is to provide precise and reliable positioning that ensures that autonomous vehicles can navigate safely and efficiently at any time in any environment.

Technologies Enabling Centimeter-Level Accuracy

Common positioning technology like Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is already widely used in V2X positioning. While GNSS is exceptional at pin-pointing a car’s location in an open landscape, it is not suitable for congested urban environments with tall buildings and tunnels, where signal blockages often occur. Therefore, supplementing GNSS or employing more sophisticated technology is a crucial step to ensuring high-accuracy positioning in V2X.

Several technologies contribute to achieving centimeter-level positioning accuracy:

Cellular Positioning uses the cellular network to exchange dedicated positioning signals. Cellular networks offer more precise positioning than GNSS but are limited by geographical coverage.

Inertial Navigation System (INS) uses motion sensors and computational units to continuously calculate the vehicle position relative to its corresponding initial position. The major pro is that INS is not dependent on any external information. However, the system performance degrades with time due to the accumulation of measurement errors at each calculation.

Sensors and HD Maps can achieve centimeter-level positioning but are costly and require significant computational power. Sensors offer detailed information about vehicle surroundings but they may malfunction or be disrupted by cyber attacks, meaning that sensors are not always reliable. On the other hand, HD maps offer high-precision positioning and a 360-view of the road, however, the performance is highly contingent on the quality of map data. Furthermore, HD maps perform well only if the physical environment remains unchanged, which is not realistic in growing and ever-changing urban environments.

Each positioning method has its pros and cons. The good news is that they can supplement each other’s weaknesses and offer multiplied benefits, suggesting that a hybrid approach may be ideal. Hybrid Data Fusion Method of Positioning combines data from multiple sources, such as GNSS, INS, cellular networks, and HD maps, to improve positioning performance in V2X applications. By merging data collected from various sources, the final positioning result is more refined, accurate, and reliable than what could be achieved using any single method.

Applications Benefiting from High-Precision Positioning

While not all V2X applications will require high-precision positioning, several V2X use cases significantly benefit from centimeter-level positioning.

High-precision positioning is essential for autonomous driving as it enables vehicles to navigate safely and efficiently in complex road scenarios, maintaining their lane and avoiding obstacles.

In addition, accurate positioning is crucial for systems designed to prevent collisions by alerting drivers to potential hazards in real-time. Anti-collision warnings require robust high-precision positioning, since vehicles need to be able to identify dangers even in the most chaotic and unexpected road conditions.

High-precision positioning is also extremely beneficial for more mundane uses of V2X technology like parking assistance. Systems that assist with parking rely on precise positioning to maneuver vehicles into tight spaces, helping drivers avoid accidents in crowded parking lots.

V2X Technology Development Considerations

There are 2 main requirements and considerations that need to be accounted for in order to achieve consistent, stable, and accurate positioning at all times.

Variable Accuracy Requirements: Different use cases require different levels of accuracy. For example, a pre-crash warning system needs more accurate positioning than a congestion alert. Which means that not every positioning technique will be able to respond to the demands of some applications. Therefore, a larger number of technologies needs to be developed to ensure the required positioning accuracy for more sophisticated V2X use cases.

Cost Considerations: A number of technologies offering centimeter-level positioning, such as sensors and HD maps, require large computational power as well as advanced and expensive technology. At the current stage, one set of technology would not provide the sufficient accuracy for more advanced V2X applications. Hence, implementing and maintaining multi-level systems capable of achieving exceptional positioning accuracy may need a sizable investment at the initial stages of technological advancement. However, as the technology matures the costs will naturally decrease. In addition, the expected benefits of V2X technology, like increased traffic efficiency and reduced road accidents, will generate substantial cost savings down the line.

As the automotive industry advances towards greater automation and connectivity, the importance of high-precision V2X positioning becomes increasingly evident. Centimeter-level accuracy is essential for ensuring the safety, efficiency, and reliability of advanced V2X applications. By leveraging and combining advanced positioning techniques, the industry can achieve the level of precision needed to fully realize the potential of V2X. This progress will pave the way for a safer, smarter, and more connected transportation system.

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V2X Development Projects Around the World

The past 5 years were rich in new developments in the world of connected driving, with governments announcing huge grant opportunities for organizations willing to develop and implement Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) systems infrastructure.

The advantages of widespread V2X implementation are well recognized, particularly in terms of enhanced road safety and reduced carbon emissions. However, the primary challenge in V2X deployment is the ‘hockey stick’ value proposition, where the benefits become substantial only after mass technology deployment. Therefore, a collaboration between government, academia, and the private sector is crucial to advancing the industry.

Global V2X Development Projects

V2X development projects around the globe vary significantly in scale and focus, yet they share the common objective of creating a V2X infrastructure that enhances safety and efficiency in the transportation sector. Below are some notable projects and deployments around the world.

United Kingdom

As part of the V2X Innovation Program supported by the UK Government Initiative, the Rural Energy Resilience Program is exploring new vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and energy management technologies. This project connects local car clubs, community buildings, renewable energy providers, and distribution network providers, deploying various V2G charging points across the community.

The program’s aim is to equip local community buildings with bi-directional chargers featuring V2G functionality. The buildings serve as a rest spot for people who need to charge their EVs, boosting local economies. The community buildings also benefit from energy optimization with access to flexible grid services, which provides back up electricity storage during power outages. Beyond stabilizing energy grids for communities with electricity constraints, the project also enhances transportation options in areas with limited public transport.

United States

The United States has multiple grant schemes aimed at promoting the development of advanced transportation technologies, with both the United States Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration supporting the development of V2X projects. One notable initiative is the Advanced Transportation Technology and Innovation (ATTAIN) program, which encourages the use of advanced technologies to improve safety and reduce travel times for drivers and transit riders.

The University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute is a beneficiary of the ATTAIN program. As part of this program, UMTRI deployed over 70 roadside units (RSUs) at intersections in Ann Arbor and retrofitted 100 vehicles with low-cost aftermarket onboard units. This connected environment allows vehicles to communicate with each other, infrastructure, the cloud, cellular networks, pedestrians, and other vulnerable road users.

The project is conducted in partnership with the city of Ann Arbor, Ford, Qualcomm, and others. Aiming to boost safety for passengers, pedestrians, and residents by connecting vehicles to each other and nearby infrastructure, the project sets a baseline for future V2X infrastructure deployments in the United States.

University of Michigan has been a testbed for numerous other V2X projects, one of which is the OmniAir Plugfest. Autocrypt participated in the plugfest to test its V2X-PKI in a collaborative environment with other cybersecurity experts, test laboratories, and deploying agencies. The aim of the plugfest was to demonstrate SCMS interoperability to advance nationwide deployment of V2X technologies.


Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is leading the development of Singapore’s first 5G cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) testbed. As part of the NTU Connected Smart Mobility (COSMO) program, the 200-hectare NTU Smart Campus hosts a testbed leveraging ultra-fast 5G technology to enhance connected mobility.

Partnering with the telecommunications company M1, NTU deployed three 5G base stations to enable reliable communications for a wide range of sensors on vehicles and transport infrastructure. C-V2X equipment were installed in shuttle buses and autonomous vehicles to conduct real-world vehicle localization tests and assess the 5G network’s performance. The testbed allows industry partners to co-design and deploy innovative connected mobility solutions, focusing on safety-critical applications such as collision avoidance, real-time traffic routing, and network security.

The NTU Smart Campus testbed aims to develop a safer, more efficient, and reliable transportation infrastructure, fostering the development of connected mobility in Singapore.


China is a leader in global V2X deployment, with the government partnering with the private sector to roll out numerous V2X initiatives and large-scale testing sites across the country to test the technology in diverse conditions.

The Tianjin National Pilot Area was created to explore various application scenarios of V2X, build an open and innovative industrial ecology, and explore feasible ways to test V2X systems. The first phase of the pilot zone covers 48 km of open road area equipped 67 intersections with full-range perception infrastructure and V2X communication nodes.

The main goal of the pilot zone is to verify the security of V2X messages exchanged through the network. 20 security scenarios were laid out across 7.6 km of open road for enterprises to verify the security of V2X mechanisms like secure communication protocols, security certificate applications, and certificate management. The pilot area has been utilized to test over 100 cases for traffic safety, traffic efficiency, and information services.

The global efforts in developing and implementing V2X technology illustrate the collective ambition to enhance road safety, optimize traffic flow, and decarbonize roads. By fostering close collaboration among governments, academia, and private enterprises, these projects demonstrate the potential of V2X technology to revolutionize transportation. As these initiatives continue to advance, they pave the way for a more connected, efficient, and safer future in mobility, ultimately benefiting societies worldwide.

To learn more about AUTOCRYPT’s V2X security solutions, contact global@autocrypt.io.

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Bayanat and AUTOCRYPT Sign MOU to Advance Autonomous Driving and AI Smart Roads in the Region

Under the agreement, firms aim to develop a comprehensive V2X infrastructure plan

ABU DHABI, Apr. 26, 2024 — Bayanat, a leading provider of AI-powered geospatial solutions, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with AUTOCRYPT, an industry-leading vehicle-to-everything (V2X) and automotive cybersecurity technology firm, to combine its expertise in V2X infrastructure deployment with Bayanat’s AI Smart Roads, enabling and advancing Level 4+ autonomous driving.

The MoU was signed by Abdulla Al Shamsi, Chief Operating Officer of Bayanat, and Seokwoo Lee, AUTOCRYPT’s Chairman and Co-founder, at DRIFTx, an international exhibition supported by the Abu Dhabi Investment Office (ADIO) dedicated to advancing the future of smart and autonomous mobility across air, land, and sea. Under the agreement, Bayanat and AUTOCRYPT will explore a V2X infrastructure deployment strategy, joint R&D projects, and collaboration opportunities.

By combining their expertise to accelerate the development of core technologies for the future of transportation, the companies will develop a comprehensive V2X infrastructure plan.

Abdulla Al Shamsi, Bayanat COO, said: “Our partnership with AUTOCRYPT marks a pivotal moment in our journey towards revolutionizing AI autonomous driving and Smart Road technology. Bayanat is well aligned with the UAE’s strategy for sustainability and is developing technology to provide cutting-edge mobility solutions while allowing for streamlined travel that is not limited by human error. This partnership supports the UAE’s dedication to improving urban development by prioritizing smart mobility and infrastructure initiatives that make our cities more efficient, sustainable, and livable.”

Seokwoo Lee, commented: “We are thrilled to collaborate with Bayanat on developing secure and reliable V2X infrastructure for the UAE’s smart roads. Having played a major role in all of South Korea’s V2X infrastructure development projects throughout the past decade, we look forward to contributing our expertise to this rapidly expanding market.”

AUTOCRYPT and Cohda Wireless Sign MOU at CES 2024 to Collaborate on Security-Integrated V2X Solution

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 11, 2024 — AUTOCRYPT, a leading automotive cybersecurity and mobility solutions provider, and Cohda Wireless, a global connected vehicle solutions company, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the opening day of CES 2024, kickstarting their collaborations on bringing a secure, full-stack solution for V2X communications.

Cohda Wireless is a global leader in V2X technology both in R&D and commercialization, with the world’s most advanced V2X software stacks supporting both 802.11p and C-V2X protocols. They are active in the European, US and Asian markets, with products compliant with the respective regional standards.  Cohda Wireless solutions have undergone extensive compliance and interoperability testing and have notched up over one million vehicle-days of field testing. 

As a pioneer in automotive cybersecurity, AUTOCRYPT has over a decade of experience and expertise in securing V2X connectivity. Its offerings encompass a security library for end entities, a V2X PKI platform with misbehaviour detection, and an integrated management dashboard for SCMS operations.

Both companies share a vision of a safe and seamless C-ITS ecosystem for all road users. As part of the collaboration, AUTOCRYPT’s V2X security library, AutoCrypt V2X-EE, will be integrated into the overall V2X software stacks of Cohda Wireless, shaping a full-stack, secure V2X solution for automotive OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers.

“AUTOCRYPT provides the world’s first and only V2X security solution adaptable to all major V2X PKI standards, including the US SCMS, EU CCMS, and Chinese C-SCMS. This enables us to offer customized solutions to clients across the globe.” said Daniel ES Kim, CEO of AUTOCRYPT. “We are excited to collaborate with Cohda Wireless on offering a complete V2X software stack to ensure the reliability of V2X communications.”

“We are delighted to be a part of another global first in our industry,” explained Cohda CEO Dr. Paul Gray. “As the implementation of connected intelligent transport systems rolls out across the globe, so will there be an ever-increasing need to safeguard sensitive data. Our partnership with AUTOCRYPT adds an additional layer of maturity to our product that we believe the market will recognize.”

About Autocrypt Co., Ltd.

AUTOCRYPT is the leading player in automotive cybersecurity and smart mobility technologies. It specializes in the development and integration of security software and solutions for in-vehicle systems, V2X communications, Plug&Charge, and fleet management, paving the way towards a secure and reliable C-ITS ecosystem in the age of software-defined vehicles. AUTOCRYPT also provides management and service platforms for the operators and end users of MaaS, contributing to sustainable and universal mobility.

Built to support both AUTOSAR and legacy vehicular platforms, AUTOCRYPT’s In-Vehicle Systems Security solution helps automotive OEMs and suppliers comply with both ISO/SAE 21434 and UN R155. The company is also the sole V2X security provider for all South Korea’s C-ITS projects, securing over 5,000 km of smart roads.

About Cohda Wireless Pty Ltd

Cohda Wireless is a global leader in the development of Connected Vehicles and Connected Autonomous Vehicle software with proven applications for Smart City, Mining and other environments. Cohda’s technology connects vehicles with infrastructure and pedestrians to make our streets, cities and working environments safer, smarter and greener.  Cohda is headquartered in Australia and has offices in Europe, China and the USA.  

Cohda Wireless’s innovative software solutions enable autonomous vehicles to connect with other vehicles and with Smart City infrastructure. These connections span Vehicle¬to¬Vehicle, Vehicle¬to¬Infrastructure, and Vehicle¬to-Pedestrian (collectively called V2X), and allow CAVs to ‘talk’ to each other, Smart Cities, and vulnerable road users in order to avoid accidents, reduce congestion and be more efficient. Cohda partners with Tier 1 Automotive Suppliers, ITS Equipment Vendors, and Mining Equipment Technology and Services (METS) vendors to provide complete hardware/software solutions to Car Makers, Smart Cities, and Mine Operators, respectively. Cohda’s products are used widely in locations including the USA, Europe, Australia, Japan, Africa, Middle East, China, Singapore and Korea.

AUTOCRYPT to Exhibit at CES, Highlighting Global Standard Compliant V2X Security Solution

SEOUL, KOREA, Dec. 26, 2023 — AUTOCRYPT announced its plans to exhibit at CES 2024, the world’s most influential event in technology. Known for its industry-leading vehicle-to-everything (V2X) and software-defined vehicle (SDV) security solutions, the company will be showing its newest comprehensive solutions at the prestigious event for the first time.

This news comes after AUTOCRYPT’s official partnership announcement with a world-renowned Tier 1 telematics supplier, where AUTOCRYPT will integrate its V2X security library into the supplier’s onboard units (OBU), establishing a production-ready V2X solution for automotive OEMs across the globe. Such partnerships are part of AUTOCRYPT’s long-term strategy of building a comprehensive security solution for software-defined vehicles.

Besides providing V2X security modules for OBUs and RSUs, AUTOCRYPT is also known for being the world’s only V2X PKI provider that supports all major regional SCMS standards, including the North American SCMS, European CCMS, and the Chinese C-SCMS. Having demonstrated the interoperability of its V2X solution within the European CCMS standard, AutoCrypt V2X-PKI has been recently adopted by a global automotive OEM to manage its worldwide SCMS operations.

To further enhance its partnership and client network in the United States, AUTOCRYPT will be highlighting the following at CES 2024 in Las Vegas from January 9 to 12:

  • Showcase of its tri-standard compliant V2X security solution for automotive OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers, and C-ITS operators
  • Demonstration of its in-vehicle system security solution and testing services for ISO/SAE 21434 and UN R155/156 compliance
  • Customized partnership models, with support worldwide (established subsidiaries in Europe, North America, and HQ in South Korea)

“We have established secure V2X infrastructure for over 3,000 miles of smart roads across South Korea. And our V2X security library has been deployed in some of the best-selling vehicle models in the world,” said Daniel ES Kim, CEO of AUTOCRYPT. “We look forward to bringing our experience in Asia and Europe to the forefront this year at CES and demonstrating our readiness for C-V2X infrastructure deployment and mass production on the North American continent.”

To learn more about AUTOCRYPT’s automotive cybersecurity solutions, contact global@autocrypt.io.

About Autocrypt Co., Ltd.

AUTOCRYPT is the leading player in automotive cybersecurity and smart mobility technologies. It specializes in the development and integration of security software and solutions for in-vehicle systems, V2X communications, Plug&Charge, and fleet management, paving the way toward a secure and reliable C-ITS ecosystem in the age of software-defined vehicles. AUTOCRYPT also provides management and service platforms for the operators and end users of MaaS, contributing to sustainable and universal mobility.

Trends in Vehicle Vulnerabilities: A 2023 Report

In recent years, the automotive sector has undergone a profound transformation driven by innovation. The past decade witnessed a rapid digitization of vehicles, the ascent of electric powertrains, the advent of software-defined systems, and the ongoing development of autonomous vehicles. These technological advancements have elevated automobiles beyond mere modes of transportation. However, they also made vehicles increasingly susceptible to cyberattacks. Unfortunately, the pace of implementing in-vehicle cybersecurity measures has lagged behind the speed of innovation, leaving modern vehicles at an alarming risk.

A comprehensive study conducted by IOActive has meticulously analyzed the trends in vehicle vulnerabilities, pooling data from 2016 to 2022. This study sheds light on the evolving threat landscape within the automotive industry, classifying data according to various attack vectors, namely local, physical, network, and peripheral RF.

Key Findings:

Networked Connection Attacks: The most striking revelation from the study is the surge in attacks exploiting networked connections, accounting for nearly half of all attacks in 2022. This signifies a prominent shift towards remote cyberattacks targeting vehicles.

Local Attacks: Local vehicle software, including operating systems, Electronic Control Units (ECUs), and Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs), accounted for 40% of disclosed vulnerabilities. This highlights the growing risk of exploiting vulnerabilities within a vehicle’s software ecosystem.

Physical Hardware Attacks: Physical hardware-associated vulnerabilities witnessed a significant decline, plummeting by 15%. This decline can be attributed to the automotive industry’s increasing focus on remote attack vectors.

Peripheral RF Attacks: Intriguingly, a novel category of attack vectors, peripheral RF attacks, emerged, representing 1% of the total vulnerabilities. This indicates the shifting landscape of vehicle cybersecurity needs and the expanding spectrum of threats.

Now, let’s delve into a closer examination of each attack vector:

Local Attacks

Local attacks primarily exploit vulnerabilities within the vehicle’s software ecosystem. Examples include attacks on operating systems, ECUs, and SBOMs. A common local attack is spoofing, where malicious actors send synthetic signals to deceive the vehicle’s systems. Spoofing can lead to incorrect data interpretation, posing substantial risks to vehicle operation and passenger safety.

Over the past decade, local attacks have seen a 6% increase, reflecting the industry’s struggle to defend against software-based attacks, exacerbated by the increasing complexity of software in modern vehicles. Robust in-vehicle security systems are essential to mitigating the risks of local software attacks. Manufacturers must employ effective testing measures to identify and rectify software vulnerabilities.

Physical Hardware Attacks

While physical hardware attacks have experienced a notable decline, they continue to pose a tangible threat. These attacks necessitate the physical presence of a threat agent. An attack on vehicle hardware could provide unauthorized access to critical vehicle components, potentially allowing a takeover of the vehicle.

For instance, a USB attack targeting a vehicle’s infotainment system could compromise the Controller Area Network (CAN). To address these vulnerabilities, vehicle security systems must incorporate robust gateway security measures to protect against hardware-based intrusions.

Networked Connection Attacks

Emerging as a recent development, networked connection attacks exploit far-field RF spectrum, including wireless and cellular connections, backend networks, and vehicle-to-everything communications. Securing messages exchanged through vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication channels is of paramount importance, particularly as the industry is gearing up for autonomous driving. Ensuring the authenticity of V2X messages is crucial to prevent masquerading attacks, which can disrupt traffic and compromise vehicle systems.

Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) must implement cybersecurity practices that authenticate information and signals exchanged through V2X communications to mitigate the risks associated with networked connection attacks.

Peripheral RF Attacks

Peripheral RF attacks originate in the near-field RF spectrum, encompassing technologies like NFC, RFID, remote key entry, and on-board telematics. The 1% growth in peripheral RF attacks, as identified by IOActive’s analysis, is largely attributed to vulnerabilities related to Remote Key Entry (RKE) and Bluetooth.

One common manifestation of a peripheral RF attack is a relay attack, notably compromising key fob technology. Such attacks can allow unauthorized access to vehicles and even the ability to remotely start them. These attacks have become one of the most common causes of vehicle theft. In 2022, AUTOCRYPT’s Vehicle Threat Research Lab discovered a high severity (CVSS 8.1) relay attack vulnerability (CVE-2022-38766) in a popular electric vehicle in Europe. To counter these threats, vehicle owners can employ signal-blocking devices, while manufacturers should implement comprehensive cybersecurity measures to monitor and filter traffic at the gateway.

Vehicle attack vectors

In light of these evolving trends and vulnerabilities, it is imperative that advancements in the automotive sector go hand in hand with the development of robust cybersecurity measures.

AUTOCRYPT offers end-to-end vehicle cybersecurity solutions that safeguard vehicles from both internal and external threats, ensuring the continued safety and security of modern automobiles.